Next Generation NCLEX

George Mata Montaus MSN/Ed, RN

Currently working as a Program Manager for ICF-IID, CBAS and Clinics unit, formerly a Lead Training Supervisor and certified SMQT for State of California Surveyors for Healthcare Facilities promoting standard of care, safeguarding patients quality of care and quality of life.

Attained his postgraduate educational achievement at University of Phoenix in May of 2010 at Phoenix Arizona USA. Achieved his BSN degree at Butuan Doctors’ College of Nursing in the Philippines

George Mata Montaus MSN/Ed, RN is a member of a reputable Honor Society of Nursing Sigma Theta Tau International due to his high academic Grade Point Average. He has been working as a Staff Nurse, Charge Nurse and ER Nurse in several hospitals in southern California such as Corona Regional Medical Center, Fairview Hospital, and Garden Grove Medical Center.

George Mata Montaus RN, MSN/Ed is the president and program director of Direct Access Learning Center Inc., and NCLEX Made Easy online nursing review services. He has been working as an administrator and director of patient care services in several home health agencies such as Insight Health Care Services and Family Home health LLC both located in southern California.

George Mata Montaus MSN/Ed, RN is currently helping out several nursing schools in California to increase schools NCLEX performances.

Walter Urdas Donato RN, BSN

Walter Urdas Donato RN, BSN worked currently as a Lead Training Supervisor for Health Facilities Inspection Division in LA County, he was a staff Nurse in Medical and Surgical department at Corona Regional Hospital, Fairview Hospital, Orange Coast Memorial Hospital and Rancho Cucamonga Specialty Hospital. He was working at Summit Career College as NCLEX instructor specializing in NCLEX Extended Learning Program (ELP) and working as an Assistant Director of Patient Care Services at Family Home Health LLC in Arcadia Los Angeles California USA.

Achieved his nursing degree in 1999 in the Philippines at Las Pinas College and he is a licensed RN in New Mexico Board of Nursing and California Board of Nursing since September of 2004.

Walter Urdas Donato RN, BSN has a vast knowledge and experiences of clinical and theoretical nursing experiences in the Philippines and California, USA.

Walter Urdas Donato RN, BSN is the Vice-President and Program Director of Direct Access Learning Center Inc., and NCLEX Made Easy online nursing review services.

Walter Urdas Donato RN, BSN is currently helping out several nursing schools in California to increase schools NCLEX performances.


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